Minggu, 12 Februari 2017

*[ Insect/Bee/Bug House/Hotel/Shelter Box (C) ]*

**(detail)**[Description] :

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[ln] Nesting and hibernation box for useful insects. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] This Insect shelter is a perfect solution for providing a secluded area for a wide range of garden insects and bees. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] For bees, place on a south facing wall for optimum sunlight. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] Made of solid wood.It measures 39cm in height,approx. 27cm in width and it is7cm deep. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] This product is designed to be mounted on a wall or a fence or tree trunk. [ln] [ln]


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